I'm stuck again with trying to modify some code I'm borrowing from here... I'm trying to get Access send a message with the TO: address drawn from the field txtToEmail but that doesn't seem to be working...
[highlight].To = strEmail[/highlight]
Doesn't seem to be drawing the e-mail from field I want it to with this early bit
[highlight]strEmail = txtToEmail[/highlight]
I keep recieving a runtime error with a set of strange numbers and a message that reads "There must be at least on name or distribution list in the To, CC, or BCC box".
The debug highlights
I'm running Access 2002 and had an early problem with some references not being turned on, but I've activated both of the Outlook References for the system... Did I miss one?
Any suggestions, ideas, or places to look are much appriciated!
Have a problem with my spelling or grammar? Please refer all complaints to my English teacher:
Ralphy "Me fail English? That's unpossible." Wiggum
Private Sub cmdEmailTrackingNumber1_Click()
Dim strEmail, strBody As String
Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim objEmail As Outlook.MailItem
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set objEmail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
strEmail = txtToEmail
strBody = strBody & "Atraining package has been sent to you, please see the tracking number and description below for more details"
strBody = strBody & "Tracking Number: " & txtTrackingNumber1
strBody = strBody & "Description: " & txtTrackingNumber1Description
With objEmail
.To = strEmail
.Subject = "Training Shipment Tracking Information"
.Body = strBody
End With
Set objEmail = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub
[highlight].To = strEmail[/highlight]
Doesn't seem to be drawing the e-mail from field I want it to with this early bit
[highlight]strEmail = txtToEmail[/highlight]
I keep recieving a runtime error with a set of strange numbers and a message that reads "There must be at least on name or distribution list in the To, CC, or BCC box".
The debug highlights
I'm running Access 2002 and had an early problem with some references not being turned on, but I've activated both of the Outlook References for the system... Did I miss one?
Any suggestions, ideas, or places to look are much appriciated!
Have a problem with my spelling or grammar? Please refer all complaints to my English teacher:
Ralphy "Me fail English? That's unpossible." Wiggum