I have written two reports using two different ttx files. In my VB6 app i create ADO Recordsets as follows.
Select Case ReportName
Case "Report1"
set report = Report1
rs.open "SQL Statement used to make original ttx", db
Report.Database.SetDataSource rs
Case "Report2"
set report = Report2
rs.open "Different SQL used to make original ttx", db
Report.Database.SetDataSource rs
End Select
CRViewer1.ReportSource = Report
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
Now, the problem is that when i run the report once for a specific value (like a date) in my database, it shows the data as expected. But if i run the report a second time for a different date, it shows the data from the original date, not the new one. This only happens with active data, when i used direct to access connections, i had no problem. But, since this app is set to work on SQL server or Access, i need to use Active Data.
The recordsets seem to be updated properly, but the reports don't run right.
PLease help
Select Case ReportName
Case "Report1"
set report = Report1
rs.open "SQL Statement used to make original ttx", db
Report.Database.SetDataSource rs
Case "Report2"
set report = Report2
rs.open "Different SQL used to make original ttx", db
Report.Database.SetDataSource rs
End Select
CRViewer1.ReportSource = Report
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
Now, the problem is that when i run the report once for a specific value (like a date) in my database, it shows the data as expected. But if i run the report a second time for a different date, it shows the data from the original date, not the new one. This only happens with active data, when i used direct to access connections, i had no problem. But, since this app is set to work on SQL server or Access, i need to use Active Data.
The recordsets seem to be updated properly, but the reports don't run right.
PLease help