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Strange TNT behaviour

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Dec 17, 2002
Hello All,

We were running TAOS 9.09 on our TNT box for some time with 8Mb RAM. Recently we switched the TAOS 9.09 flash with TAOS 10.0 new Flash and 8 Mb ram with 32 Mb RAM.

We switched off the TNT unit replaced the FLASH and RAM and switched on.

As we were about to start re-configuring the box it was found that TNT had somehow accquired all the preivous configuration done on the TAOS 9.09 flash??
All the user connection profiles, passwords and each and everything came up as it was still using 9.09 code. Infact the users started getting authenticated and get connected.
When i checked the ext-auth profile it had missing auth server entries, but TNT was still authenticating with correct passwords and disconnecting with incorrect passwords.!!

When dir commands and show code commands were used it showed us the correct ouput for 10.0 code.

Why did such a thing happen and how? Did TNT store the config in some other memory (which i have no knowledge about) or is it something else.

The TNT does not store configs on the flashcard. Configuration is stored on NVRAM. The flashcard only holds software for each individual slotcard you have on your TNT and maybe voice messages if you are using VoIP. Although you can actually store a copy of the configs on the flash, it is only a copy and not what the TNT uses for it's running configs. Further, the DRAM card also does not store configs per se. The TNT has some NVRAM memory built-in (I forget exactly how much but I think it's something like 8MB). The DRAM card is meant to extend the available memory on the TNT for normal operations.

Upgrading the TAOS from 9.0.9 to 10.0 will not remove the configuration. You will still maintain the old configs, but some parameters may not translate properly with the newer TAOS due to changes and new features that may be available with the 10.0.

The release notes for all TAOS versions contain more specifics about the flashcard and upgrade instructions.
BTW you may still run into problems for you did not upgrade the tntsrb.bin file stored on the flash chips on the shelf-controller. So your shelf is half-way booting with 9.0.9 and then finishing with 10.0.x You may not have any problems, but then again, you may start to see some strange problems down the line. Just an FYI for ya
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