I'm writing a method that builds rss and atom feeds and I've noticed something strange when I try updating the content array by using a map.
I'm new to ruby and must confess that I don't know how array maps work so well.
I am formatting some of the rss content array by updating it's contents w/ a map like so:
then when I try to use the @new_entities array in the feed, I get an error
but, if I use the original @entities array it works perfectly
How, exactly, is that @entities array getting updated by the map?
Thanks for your help!
I'm writing a method that builds rss and atom feeds and I've noticed something strange when I try updating the content array by using a map.
I'm new to ruby and must confess that I don't know how array maps work so well.
I am formatting some of the rss content array by updating it's contents w/ a map like so:
@entities = Space.find :all
@new_entities = @entities.map do |entity|
open_closed = entity.complete? ? "[x] " : "[ ] "
entity.title = open_closed + entity.title
entity.title += (' due on ' + local_date_time(entity.due_on)) if entity.due_on
entity.title += " (#{entity.status_title})"
end if @entities
then when I try to use the @new_entities array in the feed, I get an error
for entity in @new_entities #-->>error!
xml.item do
xml.pubDate(entity.date.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"))
xml.link("[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.recentrambles.com/pragmatic/view/"[/URL] + entity.id.to_s)
xml.guid("[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.recentrambles.com/pragmatic/view/"[/URL] + entity.id.to_s)
but, if I use the original @entities array it works perfectly
for entity in @entities #-->>works!
xml.item do
xml.pubDate(entity.date.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"))
xml.link("[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.recentrambles.com/pragmatic/view/"[/URL] + entity.id.to_s)
xml.guid("[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.recentrambles.com/pragmatic/view/"[/URL] + entity.id.to_s)
How, exactly, is that @entities array getting updated by the map?
Thanks for your help!