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Strange results from DB query 1

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Aug 11, 2003
I am having a strange problem with a fairly simple query I am running on an Access DB. After running the query, I am populating a drop down list with the results. For some strange reason, when I loop through the results and insert each record into the <option> tags, it is skipping the very first record.

If I write the results from the query directly to the page, instead of populating the list, no problems at all. The first records shows up just fine.

Basically, if I query the database and only one result is being returned, I am presented with an empty drop down list.

Has anyone encountered this problem before? Am I missing something somewhere?!

Thanks in advance!
Without seeing your code it's a bit difficult to answer. Possibly use recordset.movefirst before you start populating your list?

Post your code and maybe we can help more.
I have been trying to use recordset.movefirst (which is actually included in this code), but it doesn't make any difference to my results.

rs.open strSQL, objConn,3,2,1

if rs.eof = true then
response.Write("<td class='cssError'>There are no results from your search. Please try again.")
response.Write("<td class='cssContent'>" & rs.recordcount & " result(s) listed below...<br><select class='cssContent' name='myList'")
While not rs.eof%>
<option value="<%response.Write(rs("ID"))%>"><%response.Write(rs("Desc"))%></option>
set rs = nothing
end if %>
Select tag isn't closed:

...<select class='cssContent' name='myList'>
Thanks vongrunt........that did it.

It's funny how you can stare at something so long and miss the most obvious things!
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