Technical User
I recently set up a voicemail box on a BCM 3.6 so that my customer can forward their calls to voicemail and the message is on alternate greeting so that it does not take any messages.
I also added a personal attendant to the box that goes to a skillset at our the Call center.
What happens that is really strange though is that if the caller stays on the line after the message has played, he hears the prerecorded prompt saying the box is not allowing messages then the call suddenly switches to autoattendat greeting number 1.
ANy idea why this would be happening?
If the caller presses 0 they are transferred to the appropriate skillset, but if they stay on the line they get AA greeting number 1.
This does not happen when I call the box internally.
I also added a personal attendant to the box that goes to a skillset at our the Call center.
What happens that is really strange though is that if the caller stays on the line after the message has played, he hears the prerecorded prompt saying the box is not allowing messages then the call suddenly switches to autoattendat greeting number 1.
ANy idea why this would be happening?
If the caller presses 0 they are transferred to the appropriate skillset, but if they stay on the line they get AA greeting number 1.
This does not happen when I call the box internally.