I've renamed the tape to resemble our week rotation to "ServerName-Monday Set1" and now when I get into restore when serching for media it shows "gb00104cdf Set1"
What is the proper procedure to prepare a tape for backup? I format it, and name the tape appropriately to my media set. Did I miss anything?
I am using BackupExec 8.0 for NT4.0 with SP6a, compaq DLT 40/80 backup drive. I used the veritas drivers for the tapedrive.
Thanks in advance for help.
What is the proper procedure to prepare a tape for backup? I format it, and name the tape appropriately to my media set. Did I miss anything?
I am using BackupExec 8.0 for NT4.0 with SP6a, compaq DLT 40/80 backup drive. I used the veritas drivers for the tapedrive.
Thanks in advance for help.