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Strange issue with Paging navigation

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Dec 17, 2003
I'm doing recordset paging, and I'm having a problem with the navigation.

Let's say that originally, the page url is test.asp. When the page loads for the first time that is the url. However once you begin navigating from one page to the next via the recordset navigation, the url becomes test.asp?Page=1, or test.asp?Page=3, etc...

Everything is working properly except for the "Next Page" navigation. It only works when the url is in its original state of test.asp. Once you begin navigating, the "Next Page" link stays silver and unlinked, which it should actually only do when it's on the very last page of course.

The code follows, I'd appreciate any assistance:
Response.Write "<div align=""center"">" & vbcrlf
	Response.Write "<a href="""
	Response.Write Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
	Response.Write "?Page=1""><b>First Page</b></a>"
	Response.Write " | "
	If Page = 1 Then
		Response.Write "<span style=""color:silver;"">Previous Page</span>"
		Response.Write "<a href=""" & Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
		Response.Write "?Page=" & Page - 1 & """><b>Previous Page</b></a>"
	End If
	Response.Write " | "
	For PageCounter = 1 to qProd.PageCount
        Response.Write "<a href='test.asp?Page=" & PageCounter & "'>" & PageCounter & "</a> "
	Response.Write " | "
	If Page >= pagecnt Then
		Response.Write "<span style=""color:silver;"">Next Page</span>"
		Response.Write "<a href=""" & _
		Response.Write "?Page=" & Page + 1 & """>Next Page</a>"
	End If
	Response.Write " | "
	Response.Write "<a href=""" & Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
	Response.Write "?Page=" & pagecnt & """><b>Last Page</b></a>"
	Response.Write "</div>" & vbcrlf
pagecnt is declared up near the qProd query.

pagecnt = qProd.PageCount
Above your navigation section add a Response.Write for both Page and pagecnt so you can see what there values are on pages other than the first. That ought to give some additional clue as to what is happening.


Actually, I tried that. They are correct and as expected, I think that's what I'm most suprised by.
Ah, here is something to try. Since the values coming out of the querystring are considered to be strings, occasionally you can get odd results. Try doing a cInt() or cLng() on the Page value you get from the querystring and see if that causes any differences.


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