Adobe Pro 7.0 / .Net 2.0
Using PDF interfaces and GetJSObject when necessary I wrote a program that adds a background template, page numbers, and custom bookmarks for each page in any PDF.
The background template is a PDF created in Designer with a few textfields added at the top and bottom of the document that I can change at runtime in the program.
It was working great until I ran it against a PDF where I had manually inserted a few pages from another PDF.
For some reason the text fields that are normally horizontal flip to vertical and move to a strange almost center position on just those pages when the snippet of code below is run. It's baffling me because the text fields are horizontal on all the other pages. I can't see anything different in page size or layout on any of the pages but clearly something is different in how those other pages were created or it's a plain bug in the adobe software.
Anyone have any ideas/tips to resolve?
Dim template As Object
'Create a template from the inserted background document
template = PDDoc.GetJSObject.CreateTemplate("background", PDDoc.GetNumPages - 1)
'Place the template as a background to all pages
For i = 0 To PDDoc.GetNumPages - 2
template.Spawn(i, True, True, template)
Using PDF interfaces and GetJSObject when necessary I wrote a program that adds a background template, page numbers, and custom bookmarks for each page in any PDF.
The background template is a PDF created in Designer with a few textfields added at the top and bottom of the document that I can change at runtime in the program.
It was working great until I ran it against a PDF where I had manually inserted a few pages from another PDF.
For some reason the text fields that are normally horizontal flip to vertical and move to a strange almost center position on just those pages when the snippet of code below is run. It's baffling me because the text fields are horizontal on all the other pages. I can't see anything different in page size or layout on any of the pages but clearly something is different in how those other pages were created or it's a plain bug in the adobe software.
Anyone have any ideas/tips to resolve?
Dim template As Object
'Create a template from the inserted background document
template = PDDoc.GetJSObject.CreateTemplate("background", PDDoc.GetNumPages - 1)
'Place the template as a background to all pages
For i = 0 To PDDoc.GetNumPages - 2
template.Spawn(i, True, True, template)