Every couple of weeks our LAN grinds to a near-halt. Trying to ping hosts on the local segments time out every other attempt.
Runnng Wireshark the last time this happened I see that there are tons of Spanning Tree for Bridges CTRL MAC Pause - Quanta 0 and 65535 packets throughout the packet captures.
My LAN doesn't have any managed switches. Only two unmanaged switches. The MAC address on these packets is just the generic STP one (01:80:C2:00:00:01). So I am having trouble tracking down the culprit. Over time these network congestion issues disappear. Like maybe 30 minutes or so the problem just vanishes.
Any tips for trying to get to the root cause? If I had managed switches I could check their event logs and ensure that STP was disabled. But this isn't an option.
Maybe just one bad NIC on a PC?
Runnng Wireshark the last time this happened I see that there are tons of Spanning Tree for Bridges CTRL MAC Pause - Quanta 0 and 65535 packets throughout the packet captures.
My LAN doesn't have any managed switches. Only two unmanaged switches. The MAC address on these packets is just the generic STP one (01:80:C2:00:00:01). So I am having trouble tracking down the culprit. Over time these network congestion issues disappear. Like maybe 30 minutes or so the problem just vanishes.
Any tips for trying to get to the root cause? If I had managed switches I could check their event logs and ensure that STP was disabled. But this isn't an option.
Maybe just one bad NIC on a PC?