My company are shortly going to move premises, and (hurrah! - at long last!) we are going to have a more structured plan for storing documents, queries, etc, and even a back-up plan!
I've been asked to try and store my sql queries that I run on the remote Oracle 10g server (which is in mainland Europe, and I am in the UK) within the server itself, rather than locally.
For all kinds of reasons I don't really want to only use stored procedures, not least because some of my SQL*Plus scripts output data in a specified format, and partly because I cam just too lazy to re-write everything. (Honesty being the best policy...)
So, I wondered if anyone had any suggestions. My network guru has told me I should be able to store my queries within a table and call them from the table: I'm not sure about this, both in terms of
1. Is it a good idea?
2. How on earth do I get to call them?
3. How difficult will it be to alter queries run in this way?
Any suggestions you may have would be gratefully received.
Oh, Another use will need to run these in my absence too, assuming they ever let me take some holiday grumble grumble
The question should be [red]Is it worth trying to do?[/red] not [blue] Can it be done?[/blue]
I've been asked to try and store my sql queries that I run on the remote Oracle 10g server (which is in mainland Europe, and I am in the UK) within the server itself, rather than locally.
For all kinds of reasons I don't really want to only use stored procedures, not least because some of my SQL*Plus scripts output data in a specified format, and partly because I cam just too lazy to re-write everything. (Honesty being the best policy...)
So, I wondered if anyone had any suggestions. My network guru has told me I should be able to store my queries within a table and call them from the table: I'm not sure about this, both in terms of
1. Is it a good idea?
2. How on earth do I get to call them?
3. How difficult will it be to alter queries run in this way?
Any suggestions you may have would be gratefully received.
Oh, Another use will need to run these in my absence too, assuming they ever let me take some holiday grumble grumble
The question should be [red]Is it worth trying to do?[/red] not [blue] Can it be done?[/blue]