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Storing Listbox selections in table 1

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Technical User
Feb 18, 2002
I would like to use a multi-selection listbox to select values and store them in a table. I was able to do this in Access, but am having problems doing this in Project. Does anyone have any suggestions?? Thanks.
I've tried that and it doesn't work. Here is the code that I was using in my .mdb that doesn't work in my .adp...

Function CopySelected(frm As Form) As Integer 'This function inserts the selected emails into a table called EmailTmpTable
Dim ctlSource As Control
Dim ctlDest As Control
Dim intCurrentRow As Integer
Set ctlSource = frm!lstEmail

DoCmd.RunSQL "delete from EmailTmpTable"
For intCurrentRow = 0 To ctlSource.ListCount - 1
If ctlSource.Selected(intCurrentRow) Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "insert into EmailTmpTable values (""" + ctlSource.Column(0, intCurrentRow) + """)"
End If
Next intCurrentRow

End Function

Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection, sql1 As String
Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection

cn.Execute "delete from EmailTmpTable"

'-Put in your loop the following.
sql1 = "insert into EmailTmpTable values ('"
+ ctlSource.Column(0, intCurrentRow) + "')"
cn.Execute sql1

'- when done
Set rs = Nothing
Thank you for your help. That code worked like a charm!! [smile]
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