- Jul 24, 2003
- 909
OK, I give up. Googled all over the place and can't find a simple answer so hoping the experts can help me out here.
trying to create a simple table of state codes, time difference and current time.
In a SQL table, I have:
StateCode - e.g. NY
StateName - New York
StateTimeDiff - 3 (i.e. 3 hours ahead)
CurrentTime - Calculated value (convert(varchar,dateadd(hour,[StateTimeDiff],getdate()),108))
So if I select the state and current time, it is already there as a calculated field.
In access, can I store it as current time minus the amount in a diffierent field, or do I need to do that calc in a select statement on the form I am trying to create?
trying to create a simple table of state codes, time difference and current time.
In a SQL table, I have:
StateCode - e.g. NY
StateName - New York
StateTimeDiff - 3 (i.e. 3 hours ahead)
CurrentTime - Calculated value (convert(varchar,dateadd(hour,[StateTimeDiff],getdate()),108))
So if I select the state and current time, it is already there as a calculated field.
In access, can I store it as current time minus the amount in a diffierent field, or do I need to do that calc in a select statement on the form I am trying to create?