I am trying to insert the resultsets from 4 sps into a temp table.The sp looks fine in query analyser but when Im trying to link to Crystal Report it gives blank error.Im giving the code.Is there anyotherway other than sub reports?
create table #tmpstore
(loan_number varchar(15),
classification varchar(15),
sequence_num numeric(9),
acldescription varchar(40),
complete_date varchar(15),
activate_date varchar(15),
complete_days varchar(15),
active_flag varchar(15),
first_name varchar (15),
last_name varchar (25),
ladescription varchar(70),
bbkdescription varchar(40))
insert into #tmpstore
exec Rpt_ActivityReo
insert into #tmpstore
exec Rpt_ActivityFcl
insert into #tmpstore
exec Rpt_ActivityLmit
insert into #tmpstore
exec Rpt_ActivityBk
select * from #tmpstore
drop table #tmpstore
I am trying to insert the resultsets from 4 sps into a temp table.The sp looks fine in query analyser but when Im trying to link to Crystal Report it gives blank error.Im giving the code.Is there anyotherway other than sub reports?
create table #tmpstore
(loan_number varchar(15),
classification varchar(15),
sequence_num numeric(9),
acldescription varchar(40),
complete_date varchar(15),
activate_date varchar(15),
complete_days varchar(15),
active_flag varchar(15),
first_name varchar (15),
last_name varchar (25),
ladescription varchar(70),
bbkdescription varchar(40))
insert into #tmpstore
exec Rpt_ActivityReo
insert into #tmpstore
exec Rpt_ActivityFcl
insert into #tmpstore
exec Rpt_ActivityLmit
insert into #tmpstore
exec Rpt_ActivityBk
select * from #tmpstore
drop table #tmpstore