I have a stored procedure (spInventory)
The procedure returns all stock movements between 2 passed parameters (@startdate and @enddate)
Both are smalldatetime
e.g. exec spInventory '2009-01-01', @currentdate
Returns all movements from the start of the year up until now (@currentdate is defined as smalldatetime and equal to getdate())
Now, I want to be able to automate the running of it (sunday to sunday)
The key issue is, I need to also run partial weeks at month end
I can think through the best approach to this (unless anybody has any suggestions)
My main problem is, how do I use a case statement to run it dependant upon whether it's monthend and mid month - I think I have a syntax issue with my case statement
Eventually, I would like to put this in a DTS package and automate it, although I think if I can resolve the main problem, that should be straight forward
My code at the moment is:
I have a stored procedure (spInventory)
The procedure returns all stock movements between 2 passed parameters (@startdate and @enddate)
Both are smalldatetime
e.g. exec spInventory '2009-01-01', @currentdate
Returns all movements from the start of the year up until now (@currentdate is defined as smalldatetime and equal to getdate())
Now, I want to be able to automate the running of it (sunday to sunday)
The key issue is, I need to also run partial weeks at month end
I can think through the best approach to this (unless anybody has any suggestions)
My main problem is, how do I use a case statement to run it dependant upon whether it's monthend and mid month - I think I have a syntax issue with my case statement
Eventually, I would like to put this in a DTS package and automate it, although I think if I can resolve the main problem, that should be straight forward
My code at the moment is:
declare @sdate smalldatetime
declare @edate smalldatetime
declare @currentdate smalldatetime
declare @startmonth tinyint
declare @endmonth tinyint
set @currentdate = getdate()
set @edate = dateadd(dd,(datediff(dd,-53684,getdate())/7)*7,-53684)
set @sdate = dateadd(dd,-6,@edate)
set @startmonth = month(@sdate)
set @endmonth = month(@edate)
when (@startmonth = @endmonth) then
exec spConsignment @startdate = @sdate, @enddate = @edate
else exec spConsignment @startdate = @sdate, @enddate = @edate