What is the syntax to refer to the Value selected in a combo box in an Access 2000 Form, in the WHERE command of a stored procedure.<br>
Thanks in advance,<br>
First you need to place your value in a variable in access. Then you need to execute your sp - something like:<br>
Dim adoCon = ADODB.Connection;<br>
Dim adoComm = ADODB.Command;<br>
Dim strVal as String;<br>
Set adoCon = new ADODB.Connection;<br>
Set adoComm = new ADODB.Command;<br>
'You now need to initialise your connection string<br>
strVal = "EXEC SP_NAME ' & cmbCombo.Value & "'";<br>
With adoComm<br>
.ActiveConnection = adoCon<br>
.CommandType = adStoredProcedure 'Check this from drop down<br>
.Text = strVal<br>
End With<br>
You need to check some of the sytax above (I don't have access to VB at the moment. However this will give you an idea.<br>
The data you want isn't available to the stored procedure when it runs. It has to be passed as a parameter (or included in the SQL Source.)<br>ADO has support for parameters, so you don't have to build the string. Get the WROX book on ADO (or sit at Borders and drink a cup'o joe.) Check out the ADO Command Object.
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