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Stored Procedure Questions

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Aug 9, 2006
I am VERY new to this. I have SQL 2000, there is a stored procedure that was previously created that I need to be able to run, I made some minor changes to it such as I want it to SPECIFY a date to look out but am not sure I have done that right either.

Below is the code, like I said I really have no clue about this, what I do know is I want to run this query for one day to make sure it works then run for the whole month. Any help on this would be GREATLY appreciated.
@startdate as datetime,
@enddate as datetime


set @startdate = '10/01/2006 00:00:00'
set @enddate = '10/01/2006 11:59:59'

/** set dates for htlseg invoices
set @startdate = '10/01/2006 00:00:00'
set @enddate = '10/01/2006 11:59:59'

update btmcuser.htlsegs set division = ' ' where division is null
and INV_DATE >= @startdate and INV_DATE <= @enddate

update btmcuser.htlsegs set dept = ' ' where dept is null
and INV_DATE >= @startdate and INV_DATE <= @enddate

update btmcuser.htlsegs set full_company = company_code + division + dept where
btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE >= @startdate and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE <= @enddate

update btmcuser.htlsegs
Set Full_Name = City_Code + [Name],
HtlPreferred = 0, CorpRate = 0, BoeingLowRate = 0,
BoeingHighRage = 0, ContractRate = 0, HtlName= '',
HtlPhone = '', HtlAddr1 = '', HtlAddr2 = '',
HtlStateCode = '', HtlCity = '', HtlAirportName = '',
HtlIntlDom = 'D', HtlAirportState = '', Void_Count = 0,
SvcFee_Count = 0, PH = '', hBems_ID = 0, hWork_City = '',
hWork_State_CD = '', Brand_Name = '', HtlZipCode = ''
where btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE >= @startdate and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE <= @enddate

Update btmcuser.htlsegs
Set HtlAirportName = btmcuser.airport.[Name], HtlAirportState = btmcuser.airport.[State]
From btmcuser.htlsegs, btmcuser.airport where City_Code = code
and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE >= @startdate and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE <= @enddate

Update btmcuser.htlsegs
Set htlPhone = substring(Phone,1,3) + substring(Phone,4,3) + substring(Phone,7,4),
htlName = Address_1, htlAddr1 = Address_2, htlAddr2 = '', HtlCity = City,
HtlStateCode = State, HtlIntlDom = IntlDom from btmcuser.htlsegs, btmcuser.hotels
where btmcuser.htlsegs.hotel_uniqueid = btmcuser.hotels.uniqueid
and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE >= @startdate and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE <= @enddate

Update btmcuser.htlsegs
Set corprate = hotelrfp.us_rate, ContractRate = high, HtlPreferred = 1
From btmcuser.htlsegs, HotelRFP
where HtlPhone = full_Phone and Company_Code Like '1%'
and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE >= @startdate and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE <= @enddate

Update btmcuser.htlsegs
Set corprate = hotelrfp.us_rate, ContractRate = high, HtlPreferred = 1
From btmcuser.htlsegs, HotelRFP
where HtlPhone = full_Phone and Not Company_Code Like '1%' and UserDefined5 = 'Y'
and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE >= @startdate and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE <= @enddate

UPDATE btmcuser.htlsegs SET Brand_name = Case
WHEN Chain_Code IN ('MC', 'RC', 'CY', 'BR', 'FN', 'TO', 'XV', 'RZ') then 'Marriott'
WHEN Chain_Code IN ('DT', 'ES', 'HH', 'HL', 'RL', 'GX', 'HG', 'CM', 'SH') then 'Hilton'
WHEN Chain_Code IN ('WI', 'SI', 'WH', 'LC') then 'Starwood'
WHEN Chain_Code IN ('RI', 'FZ', 'QI', 'CC', 'CI', 'SZ', 'EO', 'MZ', 'CZ', 'FW') then 'Choice'
WHEN Chain_Code IN ('HI', 'IC', 'CP', 'YZ') then 'Six Continents'
WHEN Chain_Code = 'RD' then 'Radisson'
WHEN Chain_Code = 'HY' then 'Hyatt'
WHEN Chain_Code = 'BW' then 'Best Western'
Else 'Other' END
where btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE >= @startdate and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE <= @enddate

UPDATE btmcuser.htlsegs SET CorpRate = US_RATE / .92
WHERE (CHAIN_CODE = 'MC') AND (COMPANY_CODE = '1001') AND (HtlPreferred = 0) and HtlIntlDom = 'D'
and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE >= @startdate and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE <= @enddate

update btmcuser.htlsegs set hWork_State_CD = '' where hWork_State_CD Is Null
and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE >= @startdate and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE <= @enddate

update btmcuser.htlsegs set hwork_city = '' where hwork_city Is Null
and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE >= @startdate and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE <= @enddate

update btmcuser.htlsegs set hBEMS_ID = '' where hBEMS_ID Is Null
and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE >= @startdate and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE <= @enddate

UPDATE btmcuser.htlsegs SET
hwork_city = work_city, hwork_State_CD = btmcuser.tickets.work_State_CD,
hBEMS_ID = btmcuser.tickets.BEMS_ID FROM btmcuser.htlsegs, btmcuser.tickets
WHERE Ticket_No = TicketNo and hwork_city Is Null
and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE >= @startdate and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE <= @enddate

UPDATE btmcuser.htlsegs SET ABU = btmcuser.tickets.ABU
FROM btmcuser.htlsegs JOIN btmcuser.tickets ON btmcuser.tickets.ticketno = btmcuser.htlsegs.ticket_no
WHERE btmcuser.htlsegs.abu is null and btmcuser.tickets.company_code = '1001' AND len(btmcuser.tickets.abu) = 2
and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE >= @startdate and btmcuser.htlsegs.INV_DATE <= @enddate
Have you tried running this yet? As it involves updates make sure you have a good backup first. It is really a lot to ask of anyone to break down all that code without even a clue of where things are wrong.

One thing I notice is that you shouldn't be setting start date and end date in code, if they are to be passed in as parameters.

Good Luck,


Ignorance of certain subjects is a great part of wisdom
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Part and Inventory Search

