I've created a Crystal Report in VB using a stored procedure as the datasource. This stored procedure requires two input parameters and I've been able to successfully provide these parameters to the report from the user interface.
MY PROBLEM, occurs when I try to add a subreport that ALSO contains parameters (different parameters) that I need to supply from the user interface. Each attempt has resulted in the main report returning data, but the subreports coming back blank.
In the main report, I'm providing the parameters to the stored procedure during the actual stored procedure call.
Example of my main report's datasource call:
Any thoughts on how I can pass parameters to the subreports BESIDES the "subreport linked fields?"
Jeff Rhine
Houston, TX.
MY PROBLEM, occurs when I try to add a subreport that ALSO contains parameters (different parameters) that I need to supply from the user interface. Each attempt has resulted in the main report returning data, but the subreports coming back blank.
In the main report, I'm providing the parameters to the stored procedure during the actual stored procedure call.
Example of my main report's datasource call:
Param1, Param2
curReport.Database.SetDataSource = deDataEnvironment.rsdbo_StoredProcedure
Jeff Rhine
Houston, TX.