I'm trying to get the following statement which works fine in SQL Server:
EXEC spEVA_Export @EndDate='3/31/2007',@Account1='All'
to work in a VBA Access module which calls for similarly named VBA variables to be passed as arguments.
This does not work
DoCmd.OpenStoredProcedure "spEVA_Export" & "('EndDate', 'Account1')"
Nor does this...
DoCmd.OpenStoredProcedure "spEVA_Export @EndDate='" & EndDate & ", '@Account1='" & Account1
Would it be better to use some ADO method?
Thank you..........
I'm trying to get the following statement which works fine in SQL Server:
EXEC spEVA_Export @EndDate='3/31/2007',@Account1='All'
to work in a VBA Access module which calls for similarly named VBA variables to be passed as arguments.
This does not work
DoCmd.OpenStoredProcedure "spEVA_Export" & "('EndDate', 'Account1')"
Nor does this...
DoCmd.OpenStoredProcedure "spEVA_Export @EndDate='" & EndDate & ", '@Account1='" & Account1
Would it be better to use some ADO method?
Thank you..........