I am looking to install Adobe Reader 8 on systems but I want to exclude any system that currently have Adobe 6/7 Std. and Pro. I am using a script supplied by a co-worker. So far, I have been able to detect the previous Adobe versions but I am not sure how to cancel the installation once they are detected. The installation just continues on and installs Adobe Reader 8. Below is my detection script for Reader 7. Thank you for any assistance.
If colSoftware.Count > 0 Then
For Each objSoftware in colSoftware
Wscript.Echo objSoftware.Caption & vbtab & _
LogInfo sLogFile, "WARNING - Found " & strARPName1 & " listed in Add/Remove Programs...a previous install of this application already exists", LogTypeWarning
LogInfo sLogFile, "WARNING - The existing install of " & strARPName & " will now be reinstalled.", LogTypeWarning
LogInfo sLogFile, "No previous install of " & strARPName1 & " exists on this computer...continuing with current installation", LogTypeInfo
End If
Set colSoftware = Nothing later
strComputer = "." 'this computer
If colSoftware.Count > 0 Then
For Each objSoftware in colSoftware
Wscript.Echo objSoftware.Caption & vbtab & _
LogInfo sLogFile, "WARNING - Found " & strARPName1 & " listed in Add/Remove Programs...a previous install of this application already exists", LogTypeWarning
LogInfo sLogFile, "WARNING - The existing install of " & strARPName & " will now be reinstalled.", LogTypeWarning
LogInfo sLogFile, "No previous install of " & strARPName1 & " exists on this computer...continuing with current installation", LogTypeInfo
End If
Set colSoftware = Nothing later
strComputer = "." 'this computer