Last night at my job I had to restart a couple of programs. They are actually scripts (.bat files) on a Windows 2000 Server Box. The way I was trained is that you stop the current ones running by clicking on the X in the right corner of the Windows cmd.exe window. My manager saw me do this and got extremely angry at me. He said you never stop a script like that, instead you control C out of it. I'm not a Windows expert. My manager said there's a chance it could still be running, but I'm not very convinced on that. Regardless, I was just doing how I was trained(a year ago....I've been doing this a year and no harm ever has come out of it). I'm so mad I want to put in my two weeks. But anyways, is it ok to stop a script hitting the X in cmd.exe or am I supposed to control-C out of it? And does the script continue to run if I hit the X and the cmd.exe closes?