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Stoping and Reporting Hackers 1

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Technical User
Feb 22, 2005
Hi..I have recently been threatened by a hacker. He said that he has my ip addy and was going to fry my pc, and this is by somebody i know. I have a website with this guy and he became sour when i told him i didn't want anything to do with the site and i would like him to take all of my stuff that i had put into the site down. Thats when he became ugly and refused to take any of my stuff down and repeatedly threatened to fry my pc. I had looked around the net to see what i can do to stop him. And stumbled across this site. I have reported him to sbc yahoo (where we have the site) and told them everything that he has said and showed them the text, but i feel that its not enough to stop him. i am unexperienced in all that hacking stuff. I don't understand ip addresses expect that they are my computer addy. And wouldn't know how to get his. I don't understand the way that that all works. I have norton's firewall and another firewall that came with my computer i also have norton's anti-virus program. I don't really think that he can get passed those, but still am afraid for my protection. Is there anything that i can do without having to buy expensive software? Plz help me out. Thank you
if you have text of threats take it to the police. the internet is a federally regulated utility (via your isp) and i don't think that person realizes the seriousness of their accusations. some states even have laws against this sort of activity.

unless you have a static ip address i would not worry about someone nailing your ip address because most isps use dynamic addresses that change every time you log in.

I was thinking about taking it to the police, but didn't know if they'd do anything, i live in a very small town. What is static ip address? ty for the reply
A static IP address means that your pc will always have the same IP address each time you log in. You can test this by doing the following (unless anyone has a better way):
1) Boot your PC
2) In Windows goto the Start menu and select RUN
3) in the RUN box type "cmd" (without the quotes)
4) type in the command window "ipconfig" (without the quotes).
5) Make a note of the IP Address
6) Reboot the PC and follow steps 2 - 5.
7) Compare the 2 IP Addresses - if they are the same you have a static IP, if different then you have dynamic IP addressing.



[pc] Blue-screening PCs since 1998
if the above returns the same ip address (depending on isp traffic your address may not change that quickly) try:

step 4 above using the "iprelease"
then type "iprenew"

this will force a new ip address if your isp is using DHCP - which 99.99% do
You can also just check on how your PC's nic or Firewall's internace is configured. Is there an IP assigned or is the DHCP option selected. This is 100%, installing a Firewall is helpful wheather it's software or hardware. Hardware (ie lynxsys, smc et.) I prefer, however, software firewall's ie Zonealarm, ICF are also good. All these things really do is make it harder for the hacker to get to you. Where there is a will there is a way, in other words. If a Hacker wants to get to you he/she will the more they know about you the easier it is. So in short, If you receive a threat and have it documented then a report it to their ISP (if you know it) as well your ISP and the Police and report it to the site that Xaqte mentioned. good luck
ty all who has replied to me. I appreciate it. I have documented everything he's written to me, and just the other day captured everything he said to my friend (he threaten her computer too). I am going to take everything i have to the police and my isp. I also plan to take it to the fbi. I've had enough. i've tried to use people search on him, but he has an unlisted number. i know his name and where he lives. I also know that he has a record with the police and is a felon. He likes to play games, well i can play too. :p. Again, ty.
How did he write to you? Did he send you an email? If so, you can use the email headers to find his IP, and report him to his ISP (as well as FBI, local PD, your ISP etc).
he im'ed me. I don't know how to get his ip. Anyways, i have reported him to the fbi.
Honestly, if he could do any of the things he has threatend you with, he would have just done them and not told you about it first.

good hacker + big mouth = jail

The only good hackers are very quiet about it. If you have a firewall that is reasonably maintain - like it sounds like you do - then sleep tight and don't let it bother you.

As for the dynamic/static IP - I personally have comcast. It is the largest cable provider in the country - so its no small player in the ISP world. Technically, I have a dynamic IP, but it hasn't changed in 9+ months, even when I have been down (unplugged/without power) for a day or more.

So - they needn't be that dynamic after all.
riluve- well, he has said (multiple times) and not just to me that he could ping us and find out the information that he needs and could hack us. i honestly don't know all that he can do. i know he has boot programs where he can disconnect our connection to the internet. He's gone as far as finding my telephone number and calling my home. he also posted my number in chat. And has said that he was going to come to the state i live in and ruin my life. he has crossed the line and i have taken it to the police. he is stalking and harrassing my now. I've recently had to reformat my computer, because i got that IM worm, so i'm trying to find a better firewall then norton's. i was looking at zone alarm. Does anyone know of a better one? ty your help is very appreciated. - glitterbug
Check out:

Let us know how this goes! I hope you get this guy! If you do set this up, save your logs!

If he has called you, long distance, then the phone company has records.
For a free firewall zone alarm is good. So is outpost, (use google). I would also do an online virus scan and get "hijack this" and post a log here or at Castle Cops.
im affirming the reply of, tazuk (Programmer), except for cmd command, it only works on windows xp, nt, 2000 and higher but for wndows 95, 98 and me..you should type: command, instead of cmd and after the seeing the black window, type again: winipcfg...instead of ipconfig...to see the ip address..hope this helps..

Tet Aguila
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