Out of the blue, our internet pc's started going into sleepmode. You have to hit the power button to get them to comeback up. I'm wondering if this had anything to do with windows updates that ran last friday. These pc's are used by the public, so the staff has to hit the power button and lock them back in.
This is happening at several location. Not all pc's are affected. We have 14 locations, all on the same network. Some locations are not effected, some only a few of the pc's and some all public pc's are affected. The only thing they have in common is the are all public pc's.
Any help will be appreciated.
This is happening at several location. Not all pc's are affected. We have 14 locations, all on the same network. Some locations are not effected, some only a few of the pc's and some all public pc's are affected. The only thing they have in common is the are all public pc's.
Any help will be appreciated.