Here's the situation:
One of my company's HR personnel needed an upgraded computer to replace her extremely slow, outdated machine. Using Acronis with Universal Restore, I took an image of her old machine and put it on the new hardware with the Universal Restore function (which strips the HAL and allows new drivers to be installed).
All of it was working PERFECTLY until I loaded the video driver. Upon restart, I get the dreaded STOP error. Here is the exact text.
STOP: 0x0000001E (0xC0000005,0xEB1860DC,0x00000001,0x00000004)
I've uninstalled the drivers as well as used Driver Cleaner 3 to make sure all the files are removed as well. This restores the computer back to a usable state, sans proper video settings.
The weird thing is that if I load the driver and choose not to restart, it works perfectly. I can change colors, resolution, and the hardware acceleration is definitely working. I've checked the Microsoft KB regarding the KMODE error and it is not the virus that has a similar symptom. I know it is the video driver.
Also, I've tried the driver directly from Intel, the HP supplied driver, and even let Windows retrieve it from Windows Update. All do the same thing.
The reason I didn't just do a new computer setup on Windows XP (this is a Windows 2000 machine, btw) is because she has many, many, many customized programs so that if I can get passed this she will have a computer identical to her old one, only faster.
One of my company's HR personnel needed an upgraded computer to replace her extremely slow, outdated machine. Using Acronis with Universal Restore, I took an image of her old machine and put it on the new hardware with the Universal Restore function (which strips the HAL and allows new drivers to be installed).
All of it was working PERFECTLY until I loaded the video driver. Upon restart, I get the dreaded STOP error. Here is the exact text.
STOP: 0x0000001E (0xC0000005,0xEB1860DC,0x00000001,0x00000004)
I've uninstalled the drivers as well as used Driver Cleaner 3 to make sure all the files are removed as well. This restores the computer back to a usable state, sans proper video settings.
The weird thing is that if I load the driver and choose not to restart, it works perfectly. I can change colors, resolution, and the hardware acceleration is definitely working. I've checked the Microsoft KB regarding the KMODE error and it is not the virus that has a similar symptom. I know it is the video driver.
Also, I've tried the driver directly from Intel, the HP supplied driver, and even let Windows retrieve it from Windows Update. All do the same thing.
The reason I didn't just do a new computer setup on Windows XP (this is a Windows 2000 machine, btw) is because she has many, many, many customized programs so that if I can get passed this she will have a computer identical to her old one, only faster.