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Sep 12, 2001
I have been experiencing the following two events quite often over the last several weeks:

1. I get the following error: "{Lost Delayed-Write Data} The system was attempting to transfer file data from buffers to \Device\HarddiskVolume1. The write operation failed, and only some of the data may have been written to the file. "

2. I get a BSOD with this stop code: "Stop 0x0000007F or UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP" with the first parameter of "0x00000008"

Other helpful facts:

## Errors happen several times a day.

## Not reproducible in any particular application. Can BSOD when opening windows, clicking on a link, or anything. Computer can even crash/reboot when I am not doing anything with it.

## I was able to borrow an identical machine from a friend and try my HD there. The machine exhibited the same symptoms. To me, the precludes any HW problems with the laptop and can be isolated to the HD itself or some strange software errors on the HD.

## I could not find any useful articles about item #1, although TechNet provided several returns about item #2, such as the following:

As you can imagine, I am very worried about the complete failure of my laptop and the subsequent loss of data. As it stands now, my machine crashes quite often and I seem unable to prevent it.
Sorry that I can't help with a fix (heck, I can't even solve my own BSOD problems), but here's some useful information that may help you.
1.) Enable 'complete memory dump' for your system by clicking on: Start-Settings-Control Panel-System-Advanced-Startup and Recovery-Write Debugging Information-Complete Memory Dump
I got this from MS Knowledge Base articles:

2.) Download the Microsoft® Debugging Tools from:

You will need to be DSL or T1 connected to download the required files because the files are +170MB. With these tools you get to view the dumps yourself and see what was loaded at the time of the BSOD.
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