I have made a pos with access which works fine and upto now I have been doing a stocktake using a laptop with a scanner, which works great, if a barcode is scanned which is not in the database it makes a sound so you will know that the last barcode scanned is not right.
I want to do away with draging a laptop around the shop while stocking, So I want to have a wireless scanner but how do I check if the barcode is in the database what type of wireless barcode can I use?. Cost is a factor I am looking to buy a scanned on ebay and can not afford a system above £300.00.
I have made a pos with access which works fine and upto now I have been doing a stocktake using a laptop with a scanner, which works great, if a barcode is scanned which is not in the database it makes a sound so you will know that the last barcode scanned is not right.
I want to do away with draging a laptop around the shop while stocking, So I want to have a wireless scanner but how do I check if the barcode is in the database what type of wireless barcode can I use?. Cost is a factor I am looking to buy a scanned on ebay and can not afford a system above £300.00.