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Stink-Pink 2

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Dec 12, 2002
This game is ridiculously addictive in a group setting like a car ride. Among people that have played the game before, these are even likely to come up in the middle of otherwise-normal conversations.

The basic idea is to come up with a rhyming pair (or sometimes triplet) of words that also have the same number of syllables. Then you give a clue that also indicates how many syllables the answer has. Stink-pink's have one syllable, Stinky-Pinky's have two, Stinkety-Pinkety's have three, StinkStinkety-PinkPinkety's have four, and so on. Some examples:

What's a Stink-Pink for an obese feline?
[COLOR=white]Fat Cat
What's a Stinky-Pinky for a java candy?
[COLOR=white]Coffee Toffee
What's a Stinkety-Pinkety for an obese judge?
[COLOR=white]Overweight Magistrate
What's a Stink-Pink-Ink for what you do when your pet needs a lot of exercise?
[COLOR=white]Big Dog Jog

So. . .
What's a StinkStinkety-PinkPinkety for what we would call a Tek-Tips forum where we all posted the worst things we'd done in business?

VBAjedi [swords]

Your Stink-Pink-Ink doesn't abide by your own rules!!! How COULD you!?!?!

There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who know binary, and those who don't.
[COLOR=white white]Professional Confessional[/color]

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
ESquared - I hang my head in shame. . . I was just rushing through making up some quick examples. Can you suggest a better one?

Nice, Cajun. . . care to give the next one?

VBAjedi [swords]
How about this:

What is a Stinky-Pinky-Inky for a new dunning notice?

Good Luck
To get the most from your Tek-Tips experience, please read FAQ181-2886
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein

I guess you could also have a Stinky-Pinky for an obese judge:

[white]Pudgey Judgey[/white]

I can't get the "new" bit in the dunning notice... I can only get the Pinky-Inky bits:
[white]debtor letter[/white]

Ah well. Maybe next time ;o)

Unless it's "new" as in "improved":
[COLOR=white]Better Debtor Letter[/color]

VBAjedi [swords]
So, what's a Stinky-Pinky-Stinky for a plan to extract chemical contaminants from your local river?

VBAjedi [swords]
Sorry, meant:
What's a Stinkety-Pinkety-Stinkety for a plan to extract chemical contaminants from your local river?

VBAjedi [swords]
VBAjedi matched the answer that I had in mind.

Good Luck
To get the most from your Tek-Tips experience, please read FAQ181-2886
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
Stinkety-Pinkety-Stinkety: Does that mean the 1st and 3rd words are the same?

Good Luck
To get the most from your Tek-Tips experience, please read FAQ181-2886
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
not too sure but
[COLOR=white white]Solution Pollution Solution

But no reference to the river[/color]

Good Luck
To get the most from your Tek-Tips experience, please read FAQ181-2886
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
That would be the one! Have a star. . .

Your turn if you have one.

VBAjedi [swords]
This one is probably too easy:

A StinkStinkStinkety PinkPinkPinkety for a disagreable class leader.

Good Luck
To get the most from your Tek-Tips experience, please read FAQ181-2886
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
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