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Mar 28, 2001
I'm still stuck and still frustrated trying to create my first ASP page since I cannot seem to get past this awful error "Internet Information Server or Peer Web Services version 3.0 or later must be installed to run WebClasses." I'm running VB 6.0 with SP3 installed on a Windows 2000 machine with the IIS Server installed. From my previous post regarding this same issue, I was instructed to install Visual Studio SP3--which I've done. I was also instructed to do this--but I thought the SP3 would take care of this AND there is no ASP.tlb file anywhere on my Microsoft Visual Studio diskettes..........
"Registering the ASP.tlb Type Library adds the 2.0 key to the ASP Type Library registry entry. The asp.tlb file can be found on Disk 1 of either the Professional or Enterprise version of Microsoft Visual Studio in the following directory: Common\IDE\IDE98
Copy asp.tlb to the following directory:
Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\IDE\IDE98
Use the regtlib.exe file to register the ASP 2.0 Type Library. "

If anyone would like to review this most frustrating problem it would be greatly appreciated............

Follow up to my post--Finally have solved my problem!! After contacting MS Support, they advised me according to my registeration #, I purchased VB 6.0 Enterprise edition and not the full Visual Studio package--this is why the ASP.TLB file was not included with my installation diskettes. MS Support forwarded me this file, once I registered the file, it fixed my problem. Now my next hurdle to overcome is--how do I create an IIS application on a WINDOWS XP HOME edition--since WINDOWS XP HOME does not include IIS? (Thank you Microsoft.....) Of course, apparently 2 months ago when I purchased this pc, I was unaware of the disadvantage of XP Home with IIS. Unless anyone knows a fix for this, I guess I will be forced to upgrade to XP Pro.

"Now my next hurdle to overcome is--how do I create an IIS application on a WINDOWS XP HOME edition--since WINDOWS XP HOME does not include IIS?"

In short, you can't. You cannot develop IIS applications on XP home edition, only professional.

Good luck

Thanks for your response. Although, not what I wanted to know, I figured XP Pro was my only answer.

Hi Diane:

I have been programming IIS web class apps for the last few years and I have decided to stop using web classes. Microsoft has lost interest in supporting them and they are a real pain to get working 100% all the time next comes .NET god help us!! This may not be the place for this advice but we are VERY happy using the Power Basic console compiler. The fully compiled 32 bit executables are SUPER fast and don’t need any DLL nightmares to deploy.
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