Tharwn helped me with this but still can't get all of the elements down.
Here's what we have in concept:
1) SQL Query
2) Execute into RS
3) Declare a temporary variable to hold catagory (tempCat) and initialize to ""
3.5) declare runningTotal and set to 0
4) Do Until rs.eof
5) if tempCatagory <> rs("catagory"
a.5) if tempCat <> "" then output a row with total for last catagory
a) output the catagory
b) set the tempCat variable = rs("catagory"
6) output the record as usual
6.5) increment the total from whatever field in the recordset or increment by 1 for a recordcount in this catagory
7) rs.MoveNext
8) Loop
9) if tempCat <> "" then output a row with total for last catagory
Here's my actual result:
Cat A Record Counts
------ -------------
prod 1 500
prod 3 1000
====== =============
Total 1500
Cat B Record Counts
------ -------------
prod 5 2500
prod 8 41000
====== =============
Total 43500
I need help getting the "Cat A" Total line there. I have the very last Total okay. Please HELP!!!
Ricky Thanks,
Ricky Ombina
Tharwn helped me with this but still can't get all of the elements down.
Here's what we have in concept:
1) SQL Query
2) Execute into RS
3) Declare a temporary variable to hold catagory (tempCat) and initialize to ""
3.5) declare runningTotal and set to 0
4) Do Until rs.eof
5) if tempCatagory <> rs("catagory"
a.5) if tempCat <> "" then output a row with total for last catagory
a) output the catagory
b) set the tempCat variable = rs("catagory"
6) output the record as usual
6.5) increment the total from whatever field in the recordset or increment by 1 for a recordcount in this catagory
7) rs.MoveNext
8) Loop
9) if tempCat <> "" then output a row with total for last catagory
Here's my actual result:
Cat A Record Counts
------ -------------
prod 1 500
prod 3 1000
====== =============
Total 1500
Cat B Record Counts
------ -------------
prod 5 2500
prod 8 41000
====== =============
Total 43500
I need help getting the "Cat A" Total line there. I have the very last Total okay. Please HELP!!!
Ricky Thanks,
Ricky Ombina