I am pretty new to Transformer and Powerplay. I need some information regarding these! What are all the different approaches to convert impromptu reports into powerplay reports. We have created few hundred impromptu reports which are getting data from views on Oracle 9i DB. Now we need to convert these impromptu reports into powerplay reports. I have few questions regarding this.
1. What are all the different approaches to do this?
2. What are the steps involved in these approaches?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages in these approaches?
thanks in advance
I am pretty new to Transformer and Powerplay. I need some information regarding these! What are all the different approaches to convert impromptu reports into powerplay reports. We have created few hundred impromptu reports which are getting data from views on Oracle 9i DB. Now we need to convert these impromptu reports into powerplay reports. I have few questions regarding this.
1. What are all the different approaches to do this?
2. What are the steps involved in these approaches?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages in these approaches?
thanks in advance