Hi All,
I am new to AIX. Can anybody help me to increase the size of the "prodvg". A step-by-step advise is highly expected. I need to know bout both the step e.g. 1. increase VG on a new PV & 2. increase VG on the existing PV.
you can only increase the size of a volume group by adding a PV so question 2 is irrelevent as all of PV is already allocated to the volume group.
To add a new PV to a VG go to smitty extendvg In volume group name enter prodvg and in physical volume name press F4 to see what disks are available highlight disk and press enter press enter again and PV is added to VG
Command used extendvg prodvg hdiskx
lspv command will show which disks are not allocated as yet to a VG
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