I am writing a vbs script that needs to execute an application. The application writes to Stdout and I need to capture the output.
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell"
objShell.Run "app.exe input.dat output.dat", 1, True
With the "1" (rather than 0), a window pops up and I see the output spew by but the window closes immediately on completion. I need to either 1)pause the window before it exits or 2) capture the output to a text file.
Any ideas??
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell"
objShell.Run "app.exe input.dat output.dat", 1, True
With the "1" (rather than 0), a window pops up and I see the output spew by but the window closes immediately on completion. I need to either 1)pause the window before it exits or 2) capture the output to a text file.
Any ideas??