I am teaching myself ASM, I operate on Windows XP.
While assembling the second thing I have tried to assemble ( With TASM ) I got these errors and warnings. The ASM has stdlib included, and that seems to be the source of the problems. Maybe the stdlib package that I downloaded isn't right for my system/needs - maybe it's a problem with my programming - maybe it's I used the wrong arguments to pass into TASM32.exe - maybe it's something else.
Here is the output from TASM:
Here is the source code:
The purpose of the program is to Identify PE executables by reading their PE signatures - just an exercise I did to prove to myself I could read from files. The stdlib is only used for the argc stuff.
If there's something fantastically obvious not that I showed you that please point it out. Otherwise the problem will be much deeper. If you've don't know the problem please could you point me in the direction of a stdlib package that i can download that is suitable for me.
While assembling the second thing I have tried to assemble ( With TASM ) I got these errors and warnings. The ASM has stdlib included, and that seems to be the source of the problems. Maybe the stdlib package that I downloaded isn't right for my system/needs - maybe it's a problem with my programming - maybe it's I used the wrong arguments to pass into TASM32.exe - maybe it's something else.
Here is the output from TASM:
prompt>TASM32 /iC:\downloads\ASM\stdlib\INCLUDE
Turbo Assembler Version 5.0 Copyright (c) 1988, 1996 Borland International
Assembling file: exe-id.ASM
*Warning* C:\downloads\ASM\stdlib\LIB\stdlib.lib(3) ADDSTR(3) Pass-dependent construction encountered: SL_ADDSTR
**Error** C:\downloads\ASM\stdlib\LIB\stdlib.lib(3) SLCALL(1) Code or data emission to undeclared segment
**Error** C:\downloads\ASM\stdlib\LIB\stdlib.lib(3) SLCALL(2) Code or data emission to undeclared segment
**Error** C:\downloads\ASM\stdlib\LIB\stdlib.lib(6) Unknown character
**Error** C:\downloads\ASM\stdlib\LIB\stdlib.lib(7) Unknown character
**Error** C:\downloads\ASM\stdlib\LIB\stdlib.lib(10) Unknown character
**Error** C:\downloads\ASM\stdlib\LIB\stdlib.lib(11) Unknown character
*Warning* C:\downloads\ASM\stdlib\LIB\stdlib.lib(14) APPEND(3) Pass-dependent construction encountered: SL_APPEND
**Error** C:\downloads\ASM\stdlib\LIB\stdlib.lib(14) SLCALL(1) Code or data emission to undeclared segment
**Error** C:\downloads\ASM\stdlib\LIB\stdlib.lib(14) SLCALL(2) Code or data emission to undeclared segment
**Error** C:\downloads\ASM\stdlib\LIB\stdlib.lib(15) Unknown character
**Error** C:\downloads\ASM\stdlib\LIB\stdlib.lib(16) Unknown character
**Error** C:\downloads\ASM\stdlib\LIB\stdlib.lib(18) Unknown character
**Error** C:\downloads\ASM\stdlib\LIB\stdlib.lib(19) Unknown character
**Fatal** C:\downloads\ASM\stdlib\LIB\stdlib.lib(20) Line too long
Error messages: 13
Warning messages: 2
Passes: 1
Here is the source code:
.model flat
include stdlib.a
include C:\downloads\ASM\stdlib2\stdlib.lib
Arg word 0
Findx db 0
badFMsg db "Bad file name or other problem. Ending program.",0
notMSG db "The file is not an executable.",0
isMSG db "The file is an executable.",0
ReadF proc
cmp ax, 0 ; seek.
je ReadF1
mov ax, 42h
mov al, 0
mov bx, FHndl
pop cx
pop dx
int 21h
pop Findx
mov ah, 3Fh ; read a byte of file.
mov bx, FHndl
mov cx, 1
mov dx, FBuf
int 21h
jc Wrong
cmp ax, cx
jne Wrong
mov si, offset FBuf
add si, 1
cmp [si], Findx
jne ReadF2
sub [si], Findx
add [si], 1
push si
main proc
mov ax, 1 ; get arg.
jcxz Wrong
mov ah, 3Dh ; open file.
mov dx, di
mov al, 0
int 21h
jc Wrong
; read the MX signiture.
push 2 ; bytes to read.
push 0 ; first byte of seek.
puch 0 ; second byte of seek.
call ReadF
pop si ; check to see if the MX signature is valid.
cmp si, 4Dh
add si, 1
cmp [si], 58h
xor si, si
push 2 ; get the offset of the PE header(e_lfanew).
push 60
push 0
call ReadF
push 2 ; read the PE header signature.
pop si
push [si]
add si, 1
push [si]
xor si, si
call ReadF
pop si ; check to see if PE header signature is vaild.
cmp [si], 50
jne Not
add si, 1
cmp [si], 45
jne Not
jmp Is
mov ah, 09
lea dx, notMsg
int 21h
jmp End
mov ah, 09
lea dx, isMsg
int 21h
jmp End
mov ah, 09
lea dx, badFMsg
int 21h
jmp end
FHndl db 2 dup (?)
FBuf db 2 dup (?)
main endp
end main
The purpose of the program is to Identify PE executables by reading their PE signatures - just an exercise I did to prove to myself I could read from files. The stdlib is only used for the argc stuff.
If there's something fantastically obvious not that I showed you that please point it out. Otherwise the problem will be much deeper. If you've don't know the problem please could you point me in the direction of a stdlib package that i can download that is suitable for me.