I have a window with a statusstrip. In this statusstrip there are several statuslabels. One of them is a filler (spring = true) to be able to have status labels to the left and the others to the right. On the left there is one plain text statuslabel, then a link statuslabel, then the filler, then there are 4 picture statuslabels (which can be clicked upon). When I resize the window and the space is too small for all the texts and pictures to be shown, the picture statuslabels overlap the link statuslabel (but not the text statuslabel).
I would want the statuslabels not to overlap at all but I cannot seem to find which property(-ties?) are responsible for the overlapping...
Enough space:
Textstatuslabel|LinkStatuslabel| |icon|icon|
Window too small:
What I would want to achieve:
Kind greetings,
I have a window with a statusstrip. In this statusstrip there are several statuslabels. One of them is a filler (spring = true) to be able to have status labels to the left and the others to the right. On the left there is one plain text statuslabel, then a link statuslabel, then the filler, then there are 4 picture statuslabels (which can be clicked upon). When I resize the window and the space is too small for all the texts and pictures to be shown, the picture statuslabels overlap the link statuslabel (but not the text statuslabel).
I would want the statuslabels not to overlap at all but I cannot seem to find which property(-ties?) are responsible for the overlapping...
Enough space:
Textstatuslabel|LinkStatuslabel| |icon|icon|
Window too small:
What I would want to achieve:
Kind greetings,