can a station be a member of more than one calling group? my guess would be no. but, i haven't run across this question from a cust before, so i am not sure. it is a magix 1.0.
so is the support group just another calling group? if so, that won't work because i can't put the ext in 2 calling groups. or are the support groups different?
i tried just adding an adjunct ext into the 2nd group i wannt an ext in, and then putting a primary cover button for that adjunct on the phone that needs to answer calls from both groups. the calls would not ring to the primary cover button.
ok, but what i need is for ext 1 to be in calling group 770, and also have a way to take calls from calling group 771. i can't put it in another calling group, and a cover button won't do it, and support and overflow can't be an ext.
perhaps i am not explaing this as well as i should. here is what i have and need.
i have calling group 1172 with members 1121, 1122, and 1176
i have calling group 1173 with members 1138 and 1170.
when both phones in calling group 1173 are busy/unavailable, i need the call to go to ext 1176. 1176 is already a member of calling group 1172. simply seting another calling group as the support group won't work, because i cannot put 1176 in another calling group.
OK, back in the lab, and with access to all documents, we find, as we expected, PEPPERZ is absolutely correct.
The Feature Reference says:
For Release 2.1 and later systems, an extension can be assigned as a member of more than one
Calling Group and the member can log in and out of individual Calling Groups or in and out of all
Calling Groups. For Release 2.0 and earlier systems, an extension can be assigned as a member
of only one calling group.[/color blue]
So, that means you will need an upgrade to make this happen.
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