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Static on c.o. line

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Technical User
Jul 26, 2003
Hello everyone. I am a woman technician who has been learning on the job and love this line of work--even the cabling! I found tek-tips over a week ago and have learned so much from all of you guys here--it's a great site. Ok, I have a customer who has bad static only on their line one, not any of the other 3 c.o.s going through the ksu. This has been ongoing for almost a year now, but because it is an intermittent static, hard to diagnose. Sprint has come out and checked 2 times now and says it is not on their end. I pulled the cross connect wire off and listened directly to the line with the buttset and heard some static--can I test Sprint's line somehow myself, as obviously it's not happening while they are there. One more question, IF it could be the KSU (just for future reference), how would you test that port? Thank you for any help you can throw my way--
The easiest way is to go to the D-mark and take your side off (usually pulling the bridge clips will accomplish this) then use your butt set on there side, if the static is there then it's them.
The typical answer from telco is: "Not our Problem" Like telprog said, split it off. I have seen many noisy lines especially after a good wet rainstorm. Telco usually waits a few days for things to dry out before testing. Curently, most KSU's are now digital, and have no way of producing static, except for the handset. A bad handset, or handset cord would cause problems on all lines that the set uses. Next time you have noise on the line, think about what the weather has been doing. Also, repunch any connection the line goes through, just in case some resistance has built up from dampness.

MarvO said it
Sounds like she already listened to it from the MPOE.

Here's the deal:

Telephone company isn't going to agree with you unless they see some proof. Intermittant static could be a lot of things, but it's more than likely in the last mile of their local loop. I don't know what kind of tools you have...

But you might want to take a sidekick and test it with that, flipping the tip or the ring back and forth to see if the meter goes all the way down, etc. (if you read your sidekick's manual it'll explain how to do several tests) to check for a short or an open or anything like that on their side. If you can find one, that'll be better proof... but chances are they've already done that.

If you can isolate to the MPOE which it sounds like you already have, and you do indeed hear static... be there when the Telco installer comes out to check on it. They'll claim they hear nothing again probably, and then lay into them and say for god sakes, will you just change the pair. Chances are it is the pair that you're on, you could probably see more if you had a TDR, but that's a bit out of the scope of your needs.
You could try ringing into the C.O. line while it is noisy.
If it is a high resistance it will probably make it disappear for a while
Good point. You could try stress testing it as well.

I would check for shorts first.

Your telco also may have automated testing that takes about 20 minutes to complete, it should pickup the error over that amount of time.
you can also try swapping lines one and two going into the ksu
if the problem still shows up on line one postion then you need to look at your equipment

if the problem follows the co line then more proof of co problem.

If this is a ongoing problem and Telco has been called out many of times. You can request that the line be reworked. By this they will setup a new path from central office to the building, but the problem could still be at the central office. The load coils at the central office can cause static and other problems. They best way to test is as AvayaNovice stated with a sidekick and run stress trests on line.

Good Luck!! It is the finger pointing game.
Yeah, if you have a bad line card in the CO or something, obviously the local loop won't have anything to do with it, but you should be able to pick that up if you test it with your sidekick.

Again, that automated testing is the way to go -- they usually condition your line for at least 10-20 minutes.
Sometimes you need to get up the chain a bit higher with your telco. I've had numerous problems like this where the telco will say it isn't them.

You may need to get to a supervisor and explain the situation. I've had to call it in, every day, for several days. They remotely test, they say no problem, i turn it in the next day. After a couple days of this they usually are willing to send someone out and catch it, or move you to another pair in an effort to having repeat calls.

If you can catch it noisy, call the repair service on the noisy line. I love doing that with real bad ones, they have to ask you to repeat information and all because it is too noisey to hear, helps the calltaker understand what you have on your end to deal with.

To eliminate your end, of course you need to open the bridging clips and test. To eliminate your KSU, move the line to another line port, preferrably another line card, and check through the KSU again.

Good Luck!

It is only my opinion, based on my experience and education...I am always willing to learn, educate me!
Daron J. Wilson, RCDD
also be 100% sure that there is nothing before the damark

we ahd one recently where the alarm was taped into the telco line feeding the demark so it was running through the alarm panel before it reached the demark
Hello everyone! Lucky me, today turned out to be a rainy one in Laughlin Nv. and sure enough, the static was present when I tested the line at demarc. I brought the client out and let him listen to Sprints line directly and then called Sprint myself on that line letting them hear it and explaining the situation--they are sending a tech out on tuesday. (They wanted to come out tomorrow but the Dr. will not be in town). I want to thank each and every one of you for helping me with this problem. I have learned more co solving solutions for future use also! You are all a great, intelligent, group of guys and I won't hesitate to ask for help again--Hope you all have a great weekend.
Wow... scary. Telco would probably be a bit pissed about that

not unusal for alarm installs in this area I always go back and try to trace and mark what they do

had another one the fire alarm comapny wanted us to run the rj31x so we did

I left a note on the demarc where I wanted the burglar alarm to tie in

went back the other day and the burglar alarm guy pulled off the demark on the same line that I had the fire alarm on

soo... if there was a a fire the burglar alarm could grab the line first.

I imagine the fire inspector would have liked that :)
It looks like dear old Centel has not changed a bit!! Even though the name changed to Sprint, the service still sucks!
I could tell you some very interesting stories about those folks. DO NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING! Be very through and precise when you troubleshoot. Also get the repair ticket number and escalate to a higher level if you don't get action. Centel(Sprint) is a very sly group.
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