I have an Oracle application which I am configuring to access via intranet pages. I have a NT web server running IIS linking to Oracle using ODBC. <br><br>At the moment I am investigating suitable products to use for the ASP development (Visual InterDev, Dreamweaver UltraDev). Where I am getting stuck is understanding how to <br>first capture the user ID/password and then pass this information between ASPs so that the same access rights are always enforced. I imagine it should happen using encrypted parameters passed with the URL which are used to reconnect to the database for every screen. So far I have not written any ASP code manually, it has been done by the development tools. I think I have got to bite the bullet now and go into things in more detail.<br><br>Am I heading the right way in terms of database security?<br>Am I doing the right things to acheive my goals?<br>Am I using the right toolset?