I know I should know this, and as soon as someone
reminds me I am going to slap my self on the forhead
in a Homer Simpson like manner...
The effect I am trying to achive is, searching through
the output you get when you view the files in use on
a NT4/Win2K server's shares (like what you get when
you type "net file" at the cmd line) for a string.
I can do this on my PC, but cant remember how to get
this info on a remote PC ([tt]net file | find %1[/tt],
then call this from a batch command like [tt]srch user[/tt]).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Travis Johnson
I know I should know this, and as soon as someone
reminds me I am going to slap my self on the forhead
in a Homer Simpson like manner...
The effect I am trying to achive is, searching through
the output you get when you view the files in use on
a NT4/Win2K server's shares (like what you get when
you type "net file" at the cmd line) for a string.
I can do this on my PC, but cant remember how to get
this info on a remote PC ([tt]net file | find %1[/tt],
then call this from a batch command like [tt]srch user[/tt]).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Travis Johnson