Hi there, this is my first post, so please be nice...
I have modified a small tcl/tk script to stop and start the network on my Slackware box (Slack 11, 2.6.18 kernel) but only the stop function works, not the start and im not sure if its a programming error or something else.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I have modified a small tcl/tk script to stop and start the network on my Slackware box (Slack 11, 2.6.18 kernel) but only the stop function works, not the start and im not sure if its a programming error or something else.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
#!/usr/bin/env wish
set netcommand "/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1";
global netcommand;
proc netstart {} {
global netcommand
exec $netcommand start &;
proc netstop {} {
global netcommand;
exec $netcommand stop &;
proc launchbrowser {} { exec firefox &;}
proc launcheditor {} { exec pico &; }
frame .app -borderwidth 10;
.app configure -background lightblue;
pack .app;
button .app.ssh-go -text "Start Net" -command netstart;
button .app.ssh-end -text "Stop Net" -command netstop;
button .app.browser -text "Web Browser" -command launchbrowser;
button .app.launcheditor -text "Text Editor" -command launcheditor;
.app.ssh-go configure -foreground green;
.app.ssh-end configure -foreground red;
pack .app.ssh-go .app.ssh-end .app.browser .app.launcheditor;