Technical User
Following my post about having installed and ended up with one mammoth partition, I have decided to reinstall. I will have to load my RAID 1 driver software (soft Raid) but I've hopefully got that sorted. My question is:
Given that I have 1TByte of storage and in that I want to have a backup set as a local copy. I also have a 1TByte USB drive for scheduled backups. I intend to use the SBS backup facilities to the full and get one of the staff to take the USB device away regularly (daily?). I am thniknig of:
1. 120GByte C: partition (8GByte RAM installed so 12GByte swap file) probably more than generous.
2. 25 users max. so alowing 4GByte per user is 100GByte and thats for Exchange emails. But what about the Exchange Queue files which stay on C: (hence a bit more in 1.).
3. What about file storage part of Data. Does this replicate each Client and should I have another partition for that? Let's say 16 Clients at 20GByte each (office rule?). Given 2. and 3. on one partition I have 420GByte for D (or D (exchange) and E (files)?).
This leaves 450GByte for local backups. Given that local backups really need say 2.5 times (read somewhere) C + D I need to rethink. Do I need to account for Logs? Ah, yes I am also using SEP and heard that takes a chunk (of C
Any advice appreciated before I set my partitions.
Thanks for your time.
Given that I have 1TByte of storage and in that I want to have a backup set as a local copy. I also have a 1TByte USB drive for scheduled backups. I intend to use the SBS backup facilities to the full and get one of the staff to take the USB device away regularly (daily?). I am thniknig of:
1. 120GByte C: partition (8GByte RAM installed so 12GByte swap file) probably more than generous.
2. 25 users max. so alowing 4GByte per user is 100GByte and thats for Exchange emails. But what about the Exchange Queue files which stay on C: (hence a bit more in 1.).
3. What about file storage part of Data. Does this replicate each Client and should I have another partition for that? Let's say 16 Clients at 20GByte each (office rule?). Given 2. and 3. on one partition I have 420GByte for D (or D (exchange) and E (files)?).
This leaves 450GByte for local backups. Given that local backups really need say 2.5 times (read somewhere) C + D I need to rethink. Do I need to account for Logs? Ah, yes I am also using SEP and heard that takes a chunk (of C
Any advice appreciated before I set my partitions.
Thanks for your time.