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Startalk mailbox setup problem. 5

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Technical User
Dec 17, 2002
I am trying to setup a mailbox to extension number 285. There has never been a mailbox assigned to this entension number. We had a expansion unit installed recentally that 285 is on. Whenever I logon as administrator and add a mailbox to extension 285 it will let me add the mailbox number but it will not let me get past the extension number. So I try deleting mailbox 285 and it will say mailbox deleted. But when I try to add it again it was say mailbox assigned and it will not let me get to assigning the service class, directory, etc. Can anyone see what I am missing? It's acting like there is a mailbox assigned to 285 allready. And the company that use to setup our telephone system never kept any records as to what was assigned to a particular extension number.
its allready assigned in a mailbox under ext you will need to go into every mbox and find or just dont use 285

Pat Guido

Formerly Nextira, formerly Williams Communications, formerly Wiltel, formerly Nortel networks, formerly Northern Telecom, formerly, Nynex meridian systems formerly Northern Telecom.


From ext 285 do you get a Pswd: prompt or Log: prompt when you enter F981? A Pswd: prompt will mean a mailbox is assigned to that extension. Forward the set to the VM DN and call the ext. A mailbox may answer the ext and provide a clue as to the mailbox number without seaching or printing all the mailbox info.

Ext. 285 could be assigned as an alternate ext for notification for a mailbox as well. I am not sure if that feature is supported on your Startalk. That would require a bit of searching to find.

If I do a feature 980. And I try to leave a voicemail in extension 285 it will say the mailbox is not initialized and cannot accept any messages. I went thru all of our voicemail mailboxes listed in the directory, there is only 27 of them, and checked all of the assigned extenshion numbers. There is nothing on 285. If I goto extension 285 and enter F981 it will ask me for a password and it will say his name and go thru all of the normal steps that a mailbox attendant has. But when I logon as admin. F983 and find 285 under extenshion it says (none) and I cannot put in 285 it will say mailbox assigned. But yet his name is not in the directory???? DOes this make any sense?
Have you tried restarting the KSU and the VM? It is always worth a try.

What exactally is the KSU and the VM, voicemail? And what is involved with restarting it? Reprogramming anything? I don't spend much time around the phone system. I only spend enough time to be dangerous with it. Both the startalk and telephone system is backed up by a battery backup. But this problem was present 4 or 5 months ago and there has been numerous power bumps since then. The guy on 285 doesn't have a priority for voicemail. If I call his extension from my phone and it rings long enough his voicemail will come on. The problem is when he gets another call from a outside line and the recept. 221 phone does a F986 transfer a call to another mailbox his says the mailbox is not initialized.
What is a information mailbox and how is it different from a regular mailbox. How would it be changed?
What is the extension that the recep enters when she presses Feature 986?

Informaiton mailbox access:

Feature 983
120000 (1020000)
Press 1
You will see the Information Mbox heading that will allow you to add, delete, change
Press Change and enter 285
See if its there...

Yes, it sees the mailbox. I go thru to where it shows ext: (none). Change or OK. I press change to put in his extension and it says ext assigned. If I understand this correctly the ext would tie his voicemail box to his specific extension number. And it won't let me do it???
You need to get the directory list.
If this is a Startalk Flash look at the FAQ's for the PC hookup faq. It may have the old Startalk listed too. I think that one is 300 baud 7e1.

Once you connect and login with SYSMGR as password.
Do a directory listing. You will find it under reports, I think. This will help you find out where that mistery MB is.
Check to see where mailbox 100 and 102 are assigned.

MarvO said it
Mailbox 100 is the general delivery mailbox. 102 is the system manager's mailbox. Is there any way of seeing what the mailbox number is to a specific extension number without hooking up a computer or printer?
You can scroll threw every MB you know exists.
The problem is there may be a mailbox you don't know about.

Hookup of a printer would require a serial printer.

Using a PC will let you see the mailbox list without having to scroll threw every mailbox.

You just need a DB25 > DB9 strait threw cable.
Also check all your CCR trees whether active or not. If 285 is in a CCR tree, you won't be able to delete it at all. Be sure to check the 'extra' CCR tree (#5 on old VMs) used for preprogramming.


Intresting.....you say you deleted 285 yet it's still there? Arr you could be right but however it would normaly say "cannot delete" or "MBOX in CCR".

Get a pen and document the following while you are in programming:
As some peeps are trying to say....Go into F983, MAILBOX,PRESS 1,CHANGE,DIR,OK,(you will see GEN DELIVERY),NEXT and go into every mailbox listed in there and see what EXT every box points to....will take about 10 minutes to do with 30 mailboxes, this will only tell hopefully what mailbox is tying up 285.
Sounds like you have a 4 port Startalk Flash but anyway even though you pressed 1 after pressing MAILBOX to get to Info mailboxes I believe normal boxes still show in there too.
If you have gone through each box using this method and have gone through the CCR tree and checking the paths as Arr mentioned and still a problem then you have a bug in the software....some bugs with a particular mailbox can be cleaned by a reboot and sometimes not, in that case you have a big bug and in that case you would need to re configure the vamil from scratch and re program everything, to do so Press 1 after F983 and spell REINSTALL.
I suggest first to delete 285 again then reboot the vmail simply by unplugging the black power cord to it and wait 60 seconds then power it back up.
To test try to leave 285 a message and if it still says not initialized then try to initialize it (F981,OTHER, 2850000) then go back into programming and see if you can alter the settings and if still corrupt then do a REINSTALL.
You mentioned that you had some powerfails and I bet some of those were brownouts....Star Talk Flash units do not take brownouts as easy as all the other vmail models however still painfull.....Start Talk Flashes are know to fail completely and you have been lucky.

Also when you go into F983 can you press 9 once logged in and tell us the version # you see.....1.7 was pretty buggy if I recall.

Good Luck!


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