I have a cust. with a DR-5 w/star talk. I am having a problem with changing an existing prompt. Here are the steps I took... I disable the CCR tree 1 .Re entered system, F983,SCM & Password,OK,OTHER,1,CCR,ADMIN,1,OK,CHNG,Path 3(the path prompt I want to change),OK,CHNG,(I press play to make sure I have the right prompt I want to change, which I can hear),from Primary rec?,REC,(record new prompt),OK,OK,NEXT,
OK,END,SAVE(as tree 1),YES..(Display shows CCR Admin,ADMIN),To end session I hit Rls button. I reenter system, enable CCR tree 1. I then call the phone system, access the menu, and when I press 3 (path number prompt I changed) I get the old prompt....When I record the new prompt, I played it back just to make sure it recorded correctly, but for some reason it is not putting it into the menu....Is there a step I am missing????Any help greatly appreciated...Thanks olantech1
OK,END,SAVE(as tree 1),YES..(Display shows CCR Admin,ADMIN),To end session I hit Rls button. I reenter system, enable CCR tree 1. I then call the phone system, access the menu, and when I press 3 (path number prompt I changed) I get the old prompt....When I record the new prompt, I played it back just to make sure it recorded correctly, but for some reason it is not putting it into the menu....Is there a step I am missing????Any help greatly appreciated...Thanks olantech1