I'm currently using Crystal Report 11 and Access Database - I created a yearly stack bar chart that displays two value, the total number of cases on top and the number of cases that fit my record selection displayed at the bottom. Ex. 50 total cases (top) and of those 50 cases 10 fit my selection. One of the bar might look like this 50/10. My report has worked just fine until I selected another year. I didn't change anything but the year. Now I'm getting a different value,
50/40. In a strange way the bottom value is there if I substract 40 from 50 I get 10, but I would like to see 10 and the bottom and not 40. I just hit the wall on this one, I appreciate any help I can get. Thank you.
I'm currently using Crystal Report 11 and Access Database - I created a yearly stack bar chart that displays two value, the total number of cases on top and the number of cases that fit my record selection displayed at the bottom. Ex. 50 total cases (top) and of those 50 cases 10 fit my selection. One of the bar might look like this 50/10. My report has worked just fine until I selected another year. I didn't change anything but the year. Now I'm getting a different value,
50/40. In a strange way the bottom value is there if I substract 40 from 50 I get 10, but I would like to see 10 and the bottom and not 40. I just hit the wall on this one, I appreciate any help I can get. Thank you.