Hi suppose i have a following program.
void f ()
int a;
int a;
int main ()
return 0;
Now my question is, where the two variables
int a, from where memory is given to them.
second i would like to see the stack view for the same.
how can i see it?
Strinctly speaking, no any memory allocation for a vars in the snippet above: no any reference to f() in the program and a (clever) linker may ignore f() code at all.
Suppose you have:
int main()
return 0;
1. int cell allocated in the stack for the 1st a var.
2. new int cell allocated in the stack for 2nd a var.
3. 2nd var cell (logically) deallocated.
4. All f() stack frame deallocated.
In practice your compiler may allocate for f() stack frame with two slots for both examples of a vars.
How can you see the stack view: it's your debugger isssue, not the C language topics...
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