I m working on a website sitting on IIS, to access LDAP server within my organisation. I was given an account and password which already added in the production LDAP server (a true LDAP v3 compliant server with replica servers are in and Linux).
My web pages mostly coded in asp.
Name : ldap.it.<my_orgname>.com
LDAP Port: 636 (SSL)
Root : o=<my_orgname>.com
1. How should I configure my IIS (windows 2K) for SSL-encrypted connection to LDAP?
2. Do I need cert7.db and nsldapssl32v30.dll? If yes, where should I locate this 2 files in my IIS and how to make reference to these 2 files in my ASP code?
3. Any sample code in ASP to perform LDAP SSL authentication in web-based application?
Thanks for the help in advance.