I am using a transform script (VB.Net) to migrate data from an old inherited DB.
I need a way to get user properties from AD.
In the Contacts table the ContactName field is the DisplayName from AD so I can use this to search for the user.
Something like.
If Not Row.ContactName_IsNull Then
Any assistance is greatly appreciated!! I have pretty much exhausted Google examples and am at a loss. I have been working in VBA mostly so I am still pretty new to VB.Net but learning.
John Fuhrman
I need a way to get user properties from AD.
In the Contacts table the ContactName field is the DisplayName from AD so I can use this to search for the user.
Something like.
If Not Row.ContactName_IsNull Then
If isADsUser = True then
Row.eMailAddress = ADsProp("DisplayName", Row.ContactName, "mail")
Row.BusinessPhone = ADsProp("DisplayName", Row.ContactName, "telephoneNumber")
Row.FirstName = ADsProp("DisplayName", Row.ContactName, "givenName")
Row.LastName = ADsProp("DisplayName", Row.ContactName, "sn")
End If
End IfAny assistance is greatly appreciated!! I have pretty much exhausted Google examples and am at a loss. I have been working in VBA mostly so I am still pretty new to VB.Net but learning.
John Fuhrman