I'm currently building myself a bunch of classes that I'll be able to use for future development... I've finished a DB access class and a date class, and I want to something similar to a Server Side Include class.
My question:
What is the best way to go about implementing 'SSI' in java?
I've thought of storing the actual code in my db, but I'm not sure how that would work.. I would also like to eventually be able to access the code and change it remotely using secured 'admin' login..
And development/implementation ideologies I can feed off of here?
Thanks, and sorry for the wide-open question
My question:
What is the best way to go about implementing 'SSI' in java?
I've thought of storing the actual code in my db, but I'm not sure how that would work.. I would also like to eventually be able to access the code and change it remotely using secured 'admin' login..
And development/implementation ideologies I can feed off of here?
Thanks, and sorry for the wide-open question