I am trying to setup ssh . I would like to ssh from one aix box to another without being prompted for a password. What can I do ? I copied the id_dsa_pub key from the main box to the authorized_keys file on the host I want to connect to and it doesnt work.
I posted a reply to a simlier question a while back, below is my reply, hope it helps
It just happens that I have just finished a documentation for my company on ssh password. It may not be spot on what you need but it could be a good starting place.
There are two servers, Server1 and Server2. (this works between two AIX servers, two Linux server or between Linux and AIX servers)
Server1 & 2 want to be able to ssh from one server to another without asking for passwords.
On Server1 when logged in as the user you wish to use (this example we will use “user1” id)
Run the following command
#ssh-keygen –t rsa
You will get the following
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user1/.ssh/id_rsa):
Press enter to take the default settings
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Press enter to blank out the password request for the “passphrase”
Your identification has been saved in /home/user1/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/user1/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
blah:1b:42:ba:blah:ec:41:blah:01:blah:73:83:99998:8a:fb:99 user1@fileserver
So now you have created your rsa keys.
Now what you need to do is create a autorized_keys2 file on Server2, do this by doing the following, (make sure you are in the “/” directory before running)
You will get asked to enter in the password for the id you are using for Server2
user1@1??.??.??.??'s password:
After entering the correct password you should able to ssh or sftp to Server2 from Server1 without being asked for a password.
To be able to go from Server2 to Server1 in the same way and assuming you already have the two rsa file (if not just run the “ssh-keygen” command from the home directory) run the following command
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