Feb 12, 2008 #1 nimrodman MIS Nov 22, 2005 43 US Could anyone help with telling me how to make ssh read from a text file, any help would b highly appreciated, thanks.
Could anyone help with telling me how to make ssh read from a text file, any help would b highly appreciated, thanks.
Feb 12, 2008 1 #2 columb IS-IT--Management Feb 5, 2004 1,231 EU Code: ssh user@host < scriptfile Note that scriptfile cannot contain the login password. For that use shared keys or expect. Note also that although the above method works creates a warning message. man ssh should help resolve this. On the internet no one knows you're a dog Columb Healy Upvote 0 Downvote
Code: ssh user@host < scriptfile Note that scriptfile cannot contain the login password. For that use shared keys or expect. Note also that although the above method works creates a warning message. man ssh should help resolve this. On the internet no one knows you're a dog Columb Healy