Is there any way to determine how SSA loops are wired using AIX, without tracing the wiring ?
I have just installed 11 disks to fill up 2 16 drive units and 8 drives are not seen by the system. They are in 2 groups of 4 and so I suspect they are not in loops.
even better I used to have a script that drew a nice picture of how your SSA disks were wired. Perhaps someone knows what i'm talking about and has the program. I no longer have it unfortunatly.
OK you can see in diag - Task - Selection - SSA.....
Or you can see many things in smitty devices - ssa
you can see the Enclosure Name and the Diskslotposition with
lsdev -Ccpdisk
then you can find out the pdisk to hdisk mapping with ssaxlate -l pdiskN
You can find a tool called MAYMAP in the www, that will show you a grafical output off the Loop configuration.
RSM can also helps you
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